Sunday, June 28, 2009

We'll be having take-out on Tuesday

Yesterday when I woke Grace up from her nap, the first words out of her mouth were, "Oh no, Mommy!  You're on fire on Tuesday!  Oh no!"  She repeated it several times before I was able to distract her with something else.  

I'm not inclined to think that my toddler has psychic abilities, but just in case, I won't be cooking on Tuesday.  Or lighting any candles.  Or playing with magnifiers in the sunlight.

Just in case.  Better to be safe than sorry.

Friday, June 26, 2009

This picture displays the little bit of 'attitude' we've been seeing in Gracie the past month or so.  I'm quite certain she has the temperament of a pre-teen, and that combined with her stubborn nature (which she did not inherit from me) is making for some comical, but concerning situations.  In this picture she is saying something along the lines of, "Hey guys, come heeereee!"

Well, I wasn't too concerned with this trait until yesterday.  We were playing with some friends at the splash pad at Desert Ridge.  Everyone was having a great time, and two 'big boys', probably 7 years old, were splashing each other.  Grace did not agree with their behavior and marched over to them, shook her finger up at them and said, "Boys, hey, don't splash!  Don't splash big boys."  

They were twice her size and were not amused by this.  One of them said something along the lines of, "don't tell us what to do, baby."

She wouldn't stop!  She followed them around shaking that little finger and yelling, "stop splashing!"  I actually had to get involved and remove her from the situation before a fight broke out between my two-year old and an unamused poor little second grader.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I'm jumping on the blog bandwaggon

After much hesitation, I'm finally jumping on the blog band waggon.

There are several reasons why I should not be doing this:

1) I rarely have a thought coherent enough to share with my loved ones, let alone the world wide web (that shouldn't be a problem considering the likely hood of anyone actually reading this)

2) I'm really freakishly crazy about grammar and know it would take me hours to proofread each post, which I won't do, so I'll be driven crazy by my typos and mistakes because they will be there for all two of you to read (hi Dad!)  Hence this ridiculous run-on...

3) I have probably attempted to start a journal over a dozen times throughout my life and have never completed more than maybe four entries at a time.  I'm going to suck at this...

4) I should probably prioritize cleaning out the various things growing in my refrigerator over writing a blog

5) I'm creating this blog for selfish reasons

But... these doubts are all over taken by the fact that I gave up scrap booking when Grace came along, and would like a way to document her hilarious quotes, pictures and general awesomeness for all eternity.  So here goes!  Wish me luck!