Monday, August 31, 2009

Theology in the eyes of a two-year-old

Grace is turning out to be quite the Evangelist. Here are a few examples:

  • When we pray in a restaurant, she unfailingly yells, "A-MEN!" at the top of her lungs causing people to look around and chuckle.

  • She recently rambled on about Jesus to our neighbor. While her intentions were probably good, I'm pretty sure nothing coherent came across.

  • She incessantly sings, "I am SPECIAL, I am SPECIAL!" The words that follow this line are, "God made me," but Grace fails to add that line, causing people to likely think, "yeah... you're special, alright."

  • When we ask her to pray, and she doesn't particularly feel like it at the moment, her response is always, "I don't need to pray, my prayers are in my suitcase." Okkkkayyy... no idea where that came from, but I'm glad she's prepared and has them tucked away for safe keeping.

  • Jesus is probably now a pre-teen in Grace's mind. Until recently, she only referred to him as Baby Jesus, causing most people to recite lines from Talladaga Nights. Dear Sweet Baby Jesus...

  • She will often randomly say, "Jesus loves me, he willy, willy does." Yes, he does!

Our little angel:

Monday, August 24, 2009

This is a picture of Grace when she was six months old:

Here is another from just a few months ago:

Have I mentioned that I'm not looking forward to the teen years?!?

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Name Game

Grace is really into finding out what people's real names are.

She realized a few weeks ago that Kevin and I have names other than Mommy and Daddy. I yelled "Kevin" down the stairs because there was a bug in our room. She spent the rest of the day yelling "Kewin" down the stairs, too.

Later, she said, "What yours name, Mommy?" When I told her my name was Lyndsey, she was very confused. She said, "No, yours name not Windsy, Uncle Brandon's Windsy!" In Gracie's grammar, pronouns are always plural, and this was her way of saying, no, your name can't be Lyndsey, Uncle Brandon's girlfriend is Lyndsey!

It took a couple days, but now she constantly reminds me that my name is Lyndsey, too. So we've been going over everyone's names and here are a few of her interesting pronunciations:

Here's Crapa, aka Kerwy

Here are Uncle Bwandon and Aunt Windsy

Grama aka Jill (she does surprisingly well with that one!)

Kody and Kade, aka My Boyz

Here's Mima, aka Suit

And Papa, aka Carol (Sorry, Papa:)

Daddy, aka Kewin

Monday, August 3, 2009

Young Love

For those of you who don't know, Gracie's Best Friend Forever, Jack, moved to New York a couple sad, sad months ago.

Before they left, they were inseparable. Grace was happiest when she was playing with Jack, and they played really well together.

I don't think she understood when he was leaving that we weren't going to be seeing him for awhile. Every couple days she will ask where Jack is, but I distract her easily and she moves on.

That is, until this morning.

Grace woke up this morning and charged into our room. She slammed open our door and yelled, "MOMMY! WHERE'S JACK?!? Where is he? I want to see him right now!!!"

I told her, we can't see Jack right now, but we can call him. To which she replied, "OK, but call him on the puter, not the telephone, I want to SEE him!" (It's a little scary when your two-year-old requests to Skype her boyfriend)

We tried calling, but they're not home, so she won't give up. I'm trying to distract her, but even pancakes aren't doing to trick this morning! I think she finally realizes he's not down the street anymore. It's pretty heartbreaking! Ah, young love!

Here are some pictures of Gracie with her BFF:

When they were little babies

So sweet!

Daddy doesn't approve of this one!

Yeah, they're close

Sorry, Terry!

Jack's Mommy. We miss her, too!