Monday, October 19, 2009


Grace has been talking for a long, long time. Like her mother before her, she was a very early talker. She could say her ABC's by 16 months and carry on a conversation by 18. (Don't worry we don't have any delusions of granduer, her mom didn't exactly turn out to be a genius :)

So, it's hilarious to her easily amused parents, to find that many, many months later, she still has some seriously amusing mispronunciations.

Here are a few examples:


nockbooblers = binoculars


Sleeping Booty = Sleeping Beauty




tearbears = carebears



uppa bubba = up above the (as in twinkle, twinkle)


... for the Bible tells me soap = so


spaceball.gifShe has also taken to yelling, "ERIC! NO! Don't go under the sea!" several times a day.


Ariel cookies = Oreo Cookies


Dego = Diego (he's not Italian, but she yells racial slurs at the tv every time this show comes on


She tells everyone that Belle is wearing a flashlight now that she has a cone on her head

cocky = coffee


spaceball.gifmaffles = waffles

And my personal favorite...



chilled grease = grilled cheese!!!

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Finally another Blog post! I told you I would be terrible at this...

This post is just a collection of pictures from our recent trip to Newport Beach with the family. We had an amazing weekend relaxing, playing on the beach, catching an Angles game (unfortunately, Brandon didn't play), and looking at lots and lots of wedding magazines! Brandon and Lindsey are getting married in November of 2010! So exciting!!!

Our Little Family

The whole gang about ten steps from the beach house

The girls on Newport Ferry to Balboa Island

The newly engaged couple!

Me and my Kar

Had a great time with Maegan! Hey Meg, did you grow?

Grace was over the pictures at this point, she just wanted to jump in the sand with Kar

Silly cowgirls! Maegan and Grace had to have set the world record for the most hours of 'Little Mermaid' ever watched in one weekend! They are kindred spirits!

Lovely Grandma and Gracie. Don't mention the carousel behind them, Grace is still bitter she didn't get to ride it because we had to catch the ferry

Brandon coming after me with a bucket of freezing water... I ran

Brandon attacking me with a piece of seaweed (noticing a trend here) I did absolutely nothing to provoke him, of course. No throwing of sand in his hair, nothing of the sort. No one can prove a thing.

Grandpa and Grace playing in the waves (They're nuts, the water was about 40 below)

So cute!

The girls at the game. So excited to have another Lindsey in the family!

Whoa, tone down the supermodel posing , Grace.. You're only two.

Uncle Rick (LOVE him so much!) and Grandma and Grandpa eating the awesome Cioppino that my parents only spent 2,346 hours making, give or take a few

This stuff was amazing!!!

Somehow we failed to take any picture with Tracy and her adorable boyfriend, Matt. We had a great time with them on Balboa island eating chocolate covered bananas.

What a great weekend! We are one blessed family!